OnlyFans Statistics: Key Stats from 7400 Creators (2024)

onlyfans stats calculation

OnlyFans statistics can be pretty inconsistent. I’ve noticed a lot of guesswork online, so I thought I’d go right to the source and produce my own, definitive stats for OnlyFans post.

I sent out a survey to our community of over 7400 OnlyFans creators, and I’ll be using this data to unveil the reality of life on OnlyFans – uncovering creators’ experiences, income statistics, subscriber demographics, and much more!

Later in the article, we’ll also take a look at OnlyFans trends more broadly – so you can identify patterns that can boost your chances of success!

But first, let’s dive into our survey data to uncover the truths of the OnlyFans creator experience.

The Adult Girl Boss Survey – OnlyFans Stats

Income Reality for Beginners

The journey to financial success on OnlyFans is not an overnight one. Our survey revealed that a significant 43.1% of beginners earn less than $100 monthly, while 35.3% reported earnings between $100 and $500.

A smaller percentage, 15.7%, earn between $500 and $1000, and the top-tier of respondents, at 5.9%, bring home between $1000 and $5000 monthly. These figures represent the potential earnings for beginners in the first 90 days (when following our tips!).

Earning for adult girl boss beginners

Safety Concerns on the Platform

Safety and privacy are significant concerns for OnlyFans creators. A concerning 13.7% of our respondents reported having experiences with subscribers that made them feel unsafe. These experiences ranged from privacy invasion and persistent requests for meetups, to threats and breaches of personal information.

Adult girl boss safety stats

Dealing with Judgment and Stigma

Our survey revealed that about 36% of OnlyFans creators have experienced judgment or stigmatization due to their work. These experiences often come from friends and family, leading some creators to distance themselves from judgmental relationships, keep their work private, or even embrace anonymity.

Adult girl boss judgement and stigma for only fans creators stats

Outrageous Requests from Subscribers

The world of OnlyFans can be wild and weird at times. From role-playing as characters from popular culture to requests that cross personal boundaries and comfort zones – click the link to read more about the most bizarre requests our creators have received.

Some of the more striking examples included:

A Trip to Willy Wonka’s Factory…

Somebody wanted me to dress up like the character from Willy Wonka whose name I use and role-play with him.

All Bark, No Bite

They wanted me to act like a dog. No talking. Just barking and panting

A Sinful Read

Someone wanted me to masturbate while he read the bible. When he asked I felt so uncomfortable so I blocked him immediately

Voices For Change

A handful of creators have transformed their platforms into spaces for advocacy and awareness.

One respondent shared:

“Yes, [I’ve raised awareness about] political issues regarding marginalized groups – women, LGBTQ, BIPOC, etc.”

Survey Respondent

This shows the potential for influencers to address important issues on a platform where subscribers are ready to listen.

Another creator proudly shared their philanthropic efforts:

“I donated 20 weeks worth of income and let my subscribers decide the charities it went to through a poll. I was able to donate to 3 different causes (3-way tie for top answer) and even had a few paypigs match my donation. That was last year and I’m still proud.”

Survey Respondent

While the overall percentage of creators using their OnlyFans for activism is small, the impact can be significant. These voices are a beacon, demonstrating the potential of OnlyFans as a space for discourse, advocacy, and real change.

Shifting Gears to External Insights

Alright, we’ve had a good look at the insights and data we’ve gathered from our own research. But, as they say, there’s always more to learn!

So, let’s switch gears and dive into some statistics from other experts in the field.

These external stats come from some of the top data crunchers out there. They’ve been digging deep into the world of OnlyFans, just like us, and have some fascinating insights to share.

From user demographics to revenue details, these numbers will add some extra flavor to your understanding of this dynamic platform.

Creator Income

income inequality stats for onlyfans

Income distribution among creators on OnlyFans is skewed, with a small number of creators earning a large portion of the total income.

According to data from Sign House, the top 1% of creators on the platform account for 33% of the total earnings, while the top 10% of accounts earned 73% of all the money. Basically, a small number of creators are earning a significant portion of the total income on the platform.

The average creator on OnlyFans has 21 subscribers and earns approximately $151 per month -while 20% of the top 100 creators on OnlyFans make more than $100,000 per month.

Top earners on OnlyFans, such as Blac Chyna, earn an estimated $20 million per month from the platform, showcasing the immense potential for creators to monetize their content.

Subscriber Stats

TechJury reveals that the average OnlyFans user spends about $45 per month on the platform, with the average age of paying subscribers falls between 35 and 44 years old.

The average subscription price on OnlyFans is $16.49 a month, although this can vary greatly depending on the creator and their content. Combined with the average spend data, this does suggest that plenty of paying subscribers are invested in multiple content creators.

Average subscription price on only fans
average age range for only fans subscribers

OnlyFans User Base and Creator Statistics

OnlyFans has seen a significant rise in popularity over the years, boasting a substantial user base. The platform has over 190 million registered users and more than 2.1 million content creators, according to The Small Business Blogway up from the 120 million registered users and 1.4 million creators reported the year before.

Google trends data for searches for onlyfans

The platform’s growth can be attributed to various factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic. FameMass reports that OnlyFans saw a 75% increase in sign-ups during the pandemic, with about 150,000 new users each day. At this time, the platform had around 7.5 billion page views per month.

google trends relationship between covid and onlyfans

Looking ahead, the future growth of OnlyFans seems promising. If the current growth rate continues, it’s estimated that there will be 500,000 new users joining OnlyFans every day. This suggests that the platform is likely to continue growing at a rapid pace in the coming years, further solidifying its position in the creator economy.

In terms of demographics, Gen Z makes up 50% of the OnlyFans creators, highlighting the platform’s popularity among younger generations

OnlyFans Revenue and Earnings

OnlyFans users spent more than $4.8 billion on subscriptions in 2021 – and the figure is probably several times higher than that now, but I don’t have access to that data!

For comparison, OnlyFans generated $2.2 billion in 2020, representing a significant increase from the $0.27 billion reported in 2019.


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